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10 Food Items which Reduce Hair Fall

Make sure you maintain a healthy diet and consume the right food groups, such as:

1. Citrus fruits
Vitamin C rich fruits like oranges and lime support iron absorption, the lack of which causes hair fall

2. Spinach
Besides being iron-rich, spinach contains sebum which acts as a natural conditioner for hair

3. Yogurt
Packed with Vitamin B5 and Vitamin D, yogurt promotes hair follicle health

4. Carrots
Packed with Vitamin A, they help improve hair growth, a deficiency of which leads to dry and itchy scalp

5. Walnuts
The only known nut to contain Biotin, B vitamins and Vitamin E, all of which protect hair cuticles and the scalp

6. Shrimp
The potent concentration of Zinc, Vitamin B12 and iron provides nourishment and prevents hair loss

7. Oats
Oats contain fibre, Zinc and Omega-6 fatty acids that are essential for hair growth and development

8. Eggs
Eggs are a great source for biotin, which aids in warding off hair loss

9. Barley
Rich in Vitamin E, barley helps protect your scalp from sun damage which could lead to hair damage

10. Chicken
Rich in protein, the building block of the body, chicken helps strengthen hair and prevent hair loss

With a combination of these 10 food items, your hair woes are sure to disappear! Read more
