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The amazing benefits of banana that you probably will not know.

Unknown facts about Banana

Banana is the most eaten fruit in the world. Even Americans consumes more bananas in their diet. It keep our heart healthy and protects us from being  fierce disease. Why do we always love to eat Bananas in the fast? That's why, it promptly gives energy to us. So next time when you feel exhausted and sluggish in the afternoon dont go for coffee or a sugary snack. take a banana instead.

If you still do not know why bananas should be included in your diet, through this blog, you will know today that how important is the banana for you.

Why Banana is advisable for health

  • Bananas are rich in potassium and High fiber both soluble and insoluble
  • Helps Fight Anaemia
  • Blood Pressure
  • Helps to prevent asthma and cancer
  • High Source Of Potassium
  • cardiovascular disease
  • Ease In Digestion
  • The banana is easily digested. The doctor always prescribe to eat banana daily.
Banana is full of abundant vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Protein , Dietary Fiber, Potassium ,Manganese , Iron , Riboflavin , Niacin.

Banana's Beauty Benefits

  • Brings strength and glow in the hair
  • Glow and shine the skin
  • Keeps digestive diseases away
  • You can use it as a face pack.

Risk Factors

Who consumed beta-blockers should not eat large amounts of potassium foods.
Whose kidneys are not fully functional they should eat only advisable amount .
Note point
Bananas should be stored at room temperature.
